The entire focus of the Ferndown and Uddens BID is to deliver improved performance and profitability for businesses within the BID area.

The BID provides a great opportunity for Ferndown and Uddens to establish its position as a leading business park in the South and home to a diverse range of other businesses. It provides an opportunity to create an environment which reflects the high standards of the businesses that operate across the estate and to enhance their operating effectiveness and profitability.

Those industrial estates and business parks across the UK which have a coordinated management process in place are rapidly becoming innovative leaders in distribution, service and manufacturing centres and are sought after amoung potential occupiers looking to expand or re-locate.

A BID will implement a range of projects focusing on:

  • Increasing business security and preventing crime across the estate.
  • Improving accessibility to the estates and manage the impacts of congestion within them.
  • Enhancing the image of the estates.
  • Providing a range of support functions to benefit all businesses & property owners.
  • The Ferndown and Uddens BID is a not-for-profit company managed by a Board of Directors made up of company owners and representatives within the proposed BID levy area. Day to day management is provided by a BID Manager.

BIDs operate for a maximum of five years. In 2019 this BID successfully navigated the renewal ballot process. In 2024 a ballot will determine if the levypayers wish to secure a third five year BID term.

Security Group

In order to help progress actions to enhance security on the estates a Security Group has been established. The Security Group also includes Dorset Police and SWL who provide evening and weekend security for the estates together with security specialists from levypayers.

BID Factfile

A Business Improvement District enables groups of businesses to join together and commission improvement projects. Covering both industrial estates your BID is managed by the Ferndown and Uddens BID Ltd. The BID generates an income through a levy of 1.25p in the pound of rateable value for each business ratepayer over £7,500. Since 2014 the BID has delivered significant improvements that have enhanced the trading environment for our business community. In 2019 businesses on the estate endorsed this mandate by a 73% support for the new Business Plan.

What's our mission?

To implement the Business Plan and to continuously improve the trading and working environment on the Estates, so that it is a great and safe place to do business and to work. The Ferndown & Uddens BID is here to bring genuine improvements and value to the business community on the Estates. The BID developed out of the collaborations of the Ferndown and Uddens Business Forum and Security Association. Thanks to the support of businesses through the initial ballot in 2014 and the renewal ballot in 2019 together with our partner organisations the BID has been able to make real improvements for the business community. 350 businesses. 3,500 people. One voice.


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