Welcome to the Ferndown and Uddens Business Improvement District (BID). Here you will find the very latest news and opportunities for BID businesses, to help you keep up to date with what the BID can do for you.
The Ferndown and Uddens Business Improvement District (BID) represents the interests, concerns and issues of all levypayers on the Ferndown and Uddens Industrial Estates. A single and coordinated voice, we work to make our Estates a better place to do business. The BID was established in September 2014 and was renewed in 2019 following a ballot of levypayers. The renewal Business Plan received 73% support in that ballot, which is the highest of any BID in Dorset. The BID status enables the implement a range of specific projects. Click here to read more about these projects.

A specialist patrol service has been commissioned. This service enhances the CCTV provision and has deterred criminal activity.
A partnership with Dorset Police that includes an office base, electric vehicle and drone flights to increase police presence.
A CCTV and ANPR system has been installed across the estates. Professionally monitored 24hrs a day.
A Travel Plan that includes 22 actions to improve access while reducing the demand for parking and improving access for delivery vehicles.
Close relationships with local schools and colleges including the development of a responsive programme with business promoting the estate as a quality location for Apprentices.
The BID is run by a Board of Business People from the estates who volunteer their time. Representing different locations, sizes and business sectors.
An exclusive programme of subsidised training courses has been developed on the estates to enhance essential business skills.
Enhancements to the estates have been made including superfast Broadband, an estates handyman and seasonal decorations.
The 2019 Business Plan was prepared following consultations with businesses on the estates. This shows our overall ambition and the priority areas for action over the five years to 2024.
The BID Board is concerned to ensure that the estates are a safe place to do business. With this in mind, the BID has teamed up with the SW NHS Ambulance Trust to provide Defibrillator machines access the estates. The map shows the location of these machines most of which are open access 24 hours a day. A few are available within named companies. These machines are available in case of emergency and provide clear directions on their use. Click here to download the services map.