If you cannot find the answer to your question here please do get in touch.
Is It Just Another Tax?
No, the money does not go to the Central Government or the Local Council. Funds are ONLY for the project(s) agreed and voted for, and controlled by, the BID Board and participating businesses.
What sort of services will the BID levy cover?
Anything businesses choose – it can be from improved transport links, creating a safer environment to marketing and promotion to attracting further investment.
Why should businesses get involved?
They can directly influence projects which affect the performance of their business. Those businesses who pay the BID levy have a voice and a vote. The purpose of a BID is to promote and support a community of businesses. Participation in this community enhances local networks with positive benefits.
If businesses already pay rates, why should they pay again?
The BID levy is a specific contribution for projects identified and controlled by the businesses. It can only provide ADDITIONAL improvements and benefits to services already provided by local authorities. It cannot SUBSIDISE or SUBSTITUTE the existing provision by public agencies.
Do the funds go to the local authority in any way?
No, the money is collected by the local authority and is transferred to the BID organisation to spend ONLY for projects identified by the BID. Only the BID Board, which is made up of business people running businesses on the estates, can decide how the levy is spent. From September 2019 the Council will charge the BID for collecting the Levy.
Is it the Tenants or the Property Owners that Pay?
The BID Regulations determine that it is whoever is liable for the business rates within the defined geographical area of the BID are responsible for the BID contribution.
What about businesses who vote against the BID Project and Plans?
The legislation governing BID’s requires that a majority business who vote must be in favour both in numbers and in terms of rateable value, of the BID Business Plan. If this is the case then the levy is mandatory on all in the BID area. In 2019 73% of businesses both by number and rateable value voted in favour of the renewed Business Plan.
Security Group
In order to help progress actions to enhance security on the estates a Security Group has been established. The Security Group also includes Dorset Police and SWL who provide evening and weekend security for the estates together with security specialists from levypayers.
BID Factfile
A Business Improvement District enables groups of businesses to join together and commission improvement projects. Covering both industrial estates your BID is managed by the Ferndown and Uddens BID Ltd. The BID generates an income through a levy of 1.25p in the pound of rateable value for each business ratepayer over £7,500. Since 2014 the BID has delivered significant improvements that have enhanced the trading environment for our business community. In 2019 businesses on the estate endorsed this mandate by a 73% support for the new Business Plan.
What's our mission?
To implement the Business Plan and to continuously improve the trading and working environment on the Estates, so that it is a great and safe place to do business and to work. The Ferndown & Uddens BID is here to bring genuine improvements and value to the business community on the Estates. The BID developed out of the collaborations of the Ferndown and Uddens Business Forum and Security Association. Thanks to the support of businesses through the initial ballot in 2014 and the renewal ballot in 2019 together with our partner organisations the BID has been able to make real improvements for the business community. 350 businesses. 3,500 people. One voice.