About The Bid
Welcome To The Ferndown And Uddens Business Improvement District (BID) Website. BID’s Are The Means, Authorised By Parliament, By Which Businesses In A Defined Area Can Work Together To Make Improvements.
The Ferndown and Uddens BID covers both industrial estates which together is the largest concentration of such businesses in Dorset. This BID is led and directed by a Board of business people who all run companies on the estates. They volunteer their time as they believe in what a BID can achieve. Additionally the BID has a manager, Kevin Poulton, who is paid to consult with businesses and identify their investment priorities for the BID. He also is responsible for preparing the business plan on which a formal ballot will be held.
BID’s have the capacity to make real change as 100% of the contributions through a business rate levy are retained and managed by the local business community. Investments are made according to local priorities.

Local Voice
In addition to enabling businesses to work together for the common good BID’s raise the profile and voice of the businesses on the F & U Estates with The Local Enterprise Partnership, Local Authorities and funding bodies.
Recent discussions with Superfast Dorset who run the publicly funded programme to deliver modern Broadband to those areas omitted by commercial operators is a good example.. The lack of fast, reliable, affordable Broadband was identified during consultations held on the estates at the end 2013. Following discussions the BID was able to organise the meeting on the 26th February where the announcement was made that the estates would be the first industrial area to benefit from the new service.
Many successful BID schemes are in place across the U.K. to the benefit of the local business community. The endorsement of your investment plans would enable the BID to commence delivery in the summer. Some of the issues that have already been identified for action are listed below.
Security Group
In order to help progress actions to enhance security on the estates a Security Group chaired by David Lapthorn, BID Board member, has been established. David has considerable experience in enhancing security as he previously established and ran the Ferndown Security Association. The Security Group also includes Dorset Police, SwL who provide evening and weekend security for the estates together with security specialists from levypayers.
BID Factfile
A Business Improvement District enables groups of businesses to join together and commission improvement projects. Covering both industrial estates your BID is managed by the Ferndown and Uddens BID Ltd. The BID generates an income through a levy of 1.25p in the pound of rateable value for each business ratepayer over £6,000. Since 2014 he BID has delivered significant improvements that have enhanced the trading environment for our business community. In 2019 businesses on the estate will be invited to continue this mandate through a new Business Plan.
What's our mission?
To implement the Business Plan and to continuously improve the trading and working environment on the Estates, so that it is a great and safe place to do business and to work. The Ferndown & Uddens BID is here to bring genuine improvements and value to the business community on the Estates. The BID developed out of the collaborations of the Ferndown and Uddens Business Forum and Security Association. Thanks to the support of businesses through the ballot in 2014 and our partner organisations the BID has been able to make real improvements for the business community. 350 businesses. 3,500 people. One voice.